A long time ago Diaspora started off as a mod for a game for Freespace 2. It has since grown, evolved, split off from the original team and in many other ways completely changed. But we've never forgotten our roots. So we know that there will be people out there who want to mod Diaspora in the same way that we started on Freespace 2.
The Diaspora team respect those of you who want to do this but we do have a few requests.
If you have the talent to make those ships well, apply to join the team. We really need talented modellers and having two people end up working on the same ship just ends up wasting someone's time. Any time we spend working on a Galactica model, only to have yours be as good or better, was time we could have spent making something else instead.
If you can only make a poor quality version, or convert someone else's from a different mod/game, please don't release it. People will assume it's official and it could get us into a lot of unnecessary trouble.
Beyond that, have fun.